Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Most awesome self-taken photos ever


I mean who doesn't want legs 5 inches long? And a weirdly large head?

And are you ready for the best photo of someone trying to take a picture of their hair?

Oh yeah! Not only did I manage to cut my head off, but I also managed to include the bomb site of a bedroom I had. And that is one big butt! Though I probably can't blame that on my photo taking skills.

And this is an amazing shot of what I was actually trying to take a photo of.

(Touched up too!)

Yep you can really see the braid. Though I probably should be using an actual camera and not a phone. And not standing in front of a window. Probably. The word has now lost all meaning to me.

Please be aware that any future photos of myself will be taken by my husband. In a tidy room.

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